Juglone is a work in a process, as a result of which an archive of 'mutual suffering’ is to be created. Inspired by a biological phenomenon of allelopathy, I create a metaphorical archive of relationships… toxic, symbiotic, beneficial or harmful, debilitating and edifying. I use the specifics of the plant world to describe them.
The term juglone, used by me in the title of the work, is an organic chemical compound from the group of quinine dyes found in leaves, roots and shells of nuts (Juglandaceae). This compound is toxic to many other plants. For example, black walnut (Juglans nigra L.) secretes this substance through the roots into the soil, causing growth slowdown or even death of other plants. This phenomenon is called allelopathy (Greek allelon = mutual and pathos = suffering). This is the harmful or beneficial effect of chemicals emitted by plants or fungi of a given species or derived from the decomposition of these plants. These substances can stimulate or inhibit sprouting, as well as the growth and development of other plant species living in close proximity or immediately following them.